Thursday, December 8, 2011


My fingers are too cold to type well because I brought in a load of frozen wood and Brady took my gloves this morning because he couldn't find his.  I just tried to spell my name Anglea.

Anyway, this is what we had last week.  This is my poor mans menu, when we have no money and no hope of getting any for a long time.  But at least I have my wood stove!  Yay!   heehhee.

1.  Onion soup with homemade beef broth and homemade bread and butter
2.  Homemade tortillas with homemade refried beans and cheese inside
3.  Chicken and brocolli casserole over brown rice.  Step 1, kill a chicken.  Step 2, use cabbage instead of broccoli.  Step 3, use cream of mushroom soup instead of cream of chicken because I found an old can lurking in the back of my pantry.
4.  Hamburgers.  Homemade pickled beets, homemade ground beef, and homemade brown bread.
5.  Chicken soup with leftover chicken, homemade chicken foot broth, whatever veggies I had in the fridge, and homemade noodles.  Homemade bread and butter.
6.  Hashbrowns made from boiled potatoes, eggs from my chickens.
7.  Pancakes made by soaking equal amounts ground flour and yogurt which I got for free for my pigs (it was one month past date) but was still good enough for me to eat.  (That's right, I got desperate enough that I started eating pigs food.  Next step, return home and hope they prepare a fatted calf.  Oh wait, I have to do that too.)
8.  Prepare fatted calf.  Slow cooked some beef bones.  Fished the meat out for some kind of dinner tonight and froze the broth.  I'll probably make meat pie with it because I have a few shriveled carrots and potatoes left.  I'll boil the veggies in the broth until tender, strain the veggies out and make gravy with the broth, and pour the veggies, gravy, and saved meat into a homemade wheat crust because I ran out of white flour.  Prepare fatted calf?  Check.

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