Friday, March 2, 2012


I haven't posted forever because I am too ashamed that we eat the same things over and over.  Also that I have not been planning ahead, just rummaging through the pantry and deep freeze and yard and making whatever we had.
So here is what we have been eating.
1.  Cheese fries.  These never grow old.  Definite family favorite.
2.  Baked potatoes.  We got 100 pounds of potatoes in December so we eat this a lot.
3.  BBQ pork ribs and sweet potatoes.  We just killed a pig, so... we eat a lot of pork lately.
4.  Popcorn.  *Hangs head in shame*
5.  Frozen pizza  *shame again*
6.  Roast chicken.  Really scraping the barrel here, all I had was a mean rooster out in the yard and some butternut squash a ward member gave us in exchange for some venison.
7.  Chicken broccoli casserole.  Leftover chicken from the roast chicken, cream of chicken soup (usually made from the chicken broth in my freezer), sour cream, broccoli.  We eat it over brown rice.
8.  Cheese toast and tomato soup (usually made from the tomatoes we salvaged from the greenhouse at the end of the season.  I pureed them as they turned red and froze a bazillion bags for nights like this).
9.  Shredded pork sandwiches.  This is just slow cooked pig bones.  I fish out the usable bits, mix in some BBQ sauce, and spread it over a piece of bread.  The unusable bits go to the chickens, and the broth goes into my freezer for rice, chili, or meat pie.

If I were cool, I would post the future recipes I am planning to make this next week, but I seriously haven't thought about it at all.  Maybe I will go to the grocery store tomorrow and actually make a list for once, then I'll post my list on here!  Or maybe I'll spend the whole day doing whatever I want and wish on Sunday that I had gone to the grocery store.  That is my problem, I don't want to go to the store.  I just want to stay home by my cozy fire and knit while the snow falls outside my window.  Or write on my computer.  Or snuggle with my kids while Brady reads to us.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww! Sitting in front of your fire on a snowy day sounds AWESOME. I don't care if you eat the same stuff - it gives me ideas! I literally stand in the middle of the kitchen everyday at lunchtime with glazed eyes and drool running from a corner of my mouth for about 30 minutes before I eat something from the fridge, and I don't even usually know what it is.
