Saturday, August 20, 2011

Meals for the middle of August

I am currently in the middle of the meals I planned.
I started last Thursday night (one week ago, not 2 days ago) by getting 2 large beef bones out of the freezer. Any large piece of meat will work, pork, deer, beef etc. I put it in my slow cooker, poured in a slug of lemon juice (to get more minerals out of the bone and into the broth), and filled it to within an inch of the top with water. I left it on low all night Thursday and all day Friday and Friday night. Also on Friday night I put 2 cups of dry beans in a bowl with water to soak. My low setting on my slow cooker is VERY low. I turned it off Saturday morning and by noon it was cool enough to separate the meat from the gristle and bones. Bones and inedibles went to the pigs and chickens (chickens love bones) and the nice meat I picked out was shredded and put in the fridge. I strained the broth through a colander and then a kitchen towel, poured half of it into a pitcher, and put that in the fridge. The other half I put in my small slow cooker, rinsed and drained the beans that had been soaking, and put them in too NO salt yet! Saturday night, when the fat had solidified on top of the broth, I lifted it off and put it back in the fridge to make bread (I use it instead of oil or shortening, if I have it).
Also on Saturday I took some chicken breasts out of the fridge to thaw in the fridge.
1. Thursday night
Put beef in the slow cooker
2. Friday night
Put beans in water to soak
3. Saturday morning
Turn off the slow cooker
4. Saturday noon
Fish out the good meat, toss out the bones and gristle, strain the broth, put the beans in my small slow cooker with half the broth. Refrigerate the rest.
5. Saturday night
Lift fat off the gelatin broth. Turn off the beans and put them in the fridge.
6. Sunday
I only cook one easy meal on Sunday afternoon and people can have bread and butter if they are hungry later.
Beef chimichangas
I mix some salsa, a scoop or two of beans, and some leftover rice if I have it in with half my shredded beef.
I make some corn tortillas and fill them with the beef salsa stuff and fry them in a quarter inch of hot lard until the tortillas are crispy.
If I have sour cream I put that on top.
7. Monday
Mushroom and swiss chicken with a vegetable
I coat have the defrosted chicken with egg and then some kind of crumb; bread crumbs, crushed ritz or saltines, just flour with salt and pepper, cornmeal etc. Then I fry them in the same pan with lard I used yesterday adding more lard if I need it (mine is cast iron and benefits from sitting unwashed in grease all night). In a smaller pan I fry up some sliced mushrooms. I also slice some swiss cheese. When all the chicken is fried I put them on a cookie tray, top with mushrooms and cheese and bake for 5 or so minutes to melt the cheese. Meanwhile I cook a frozen vegetable, add butter and salt and then we eat!
8. Tuesday
Beans and Cornbread
I reheat the beans from the fridge and now I add some salt, garlic powder, onions, and other seasonings that sound yummy. I might add some tomato paste or I might not. I make a batch of cornbread and might cook a frozen vegetable.
9. Wednesday
Baked potatoes from my garden with green peas
Bake potatoes, put yummy stuff on them, cook some peas and put butter and salt on them. Reserve 4 potatoes for tomorrow.
10. Thursday
Chicken Curry
This is my second most requested meal. First is the chimichangas we had on Sunday, and third is island franks, modified, of course.
I bake the rest of the chicken from the fridge in the oven in tinfoil for 40 minutes. In a little butter fry a diced onion and a diced sweet pepper. Add 3 cans of coconut milk. Add some curry powder or curry paste. Add 2 bay leaves, chopped leftover potatoes, chopped cooked chicken, 3 bouillon cubes, and some cashews.
Cook some rice, cook a vegetable, pour curry over the top.
On Thursday I get some pork steaks, deer steaks, or beef steaks out of the freezer.
11. Friday
Split Pea Soup
Make it your favorite way and be sure to add some carrots and ham or sausage. I make it using the rest of the beef broth from the fridge and adding more water if I need it. I am also sure to have fresh bread and soft butter ready at dinner time.
12. Saturday (today)
Chimichangas (again)
Like I said, it is the most often requested. I use the rest of the beef and any beans that weren't finished when we had cornbread. If i have leftover rice from the curry I use that too. Otherwise, just beef and salsa in my tortillas.
13. Sunday
A simple meal.
Minute steaks and salad
Fry the deer steaks. Make a salad.

On the Thursday that I was making the curry, I got out a new chunk of meat and bones from the freezer to make fresh broth and shredded meat. On Friday I soaked more beans, and today I am cooking them in some of the beef broth. I might make fajitas with the shredded beef this time, or I might make barbecue sandwiches. Maybe I will make chili with the rest of the broth and beans this time. Or maybe I will use up the broth in some rice or something.

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